The Good Girl Class Mod (v1.0) - working with game version 15015 ------------------------------------ Bone breaking jaws lined with dagger like teeth; a good combination, as long as you are not the one hold the meat. She is a real bitch to play with. A fragile melee glass cannon. Have a hurtful attacks, but some are hard to control than other (she is a wild one, afterall). Will almost always end up at the front line, she has pretty low HP, so be sure to pack a support skill or a back line support character to help her out. > Special Credit < ------------------------------------ WP ------------------------------------ > How to Install < Simply copy each of the folder into the DarkestDungeon game folder (usually here C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DarkestDungeon\) This should copy over and add some files to each of the folder. See below for instruction how to add the Effects and Localization. It would also be a good idea to back up some files before hand. The Surgeon should appear as a hirable hero in the stagecoach. It might be a good idea to start a new game (since if the mod file were deleted, having an Mesmer on your roaster might crash the game). ------------------------------------ > Game Updates < Currently, if the game updates, sometime it would whipe out some of the files need for this mod. Usually, this require re-copy of the Effects and run the Locationzation again. ------------------------------------ > LOCALIZATON < Go to the localization fold (usually here C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DarkestDungeon\localization\) Make sure the [this hero name].string_table file is in that folder. Run the Localization.bat file, and it will compile the table. ------------------------------------ > EFFECTS < Since currently there are no easy way to creat add on effects as seperate files, it is best to manually add them on. Simply go to the effect file, usually here C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DarkestDungeon\scripts\, open the effects.DARKEST file with a notepad, copy and paste and add the following lines at the bottom. Note that if any of the line are missing, it might crash the game. Thus if that happen due to updates or over writes, please re-paste the line back in. Also sometime the game will update the effect file, which erase any of the added in. If the game does not start up after a update, likely that would be the problem. If so, please re-add in the effects for the mod again. //Good Girl Skill as below ---------------------------------- //============================================== //Chomp: ======================================================== effect: .name "Chomp Debuff 1" .target "target" .curio_result_type "negative" .chance 100% .combat_stat_buff 1 .buff_ids "DEBUFFSKILL-20" .defense_rating_add -5% .speed_rating_add -3 .on_hit true .on_miss false .duration 3 //Chew Toy: ======================================================== effect: .name "Bleed Droplet 1" .target "target" .curio_result_type "negative" .chance 100% .dotBleed 1 .duration 1 .on_hit true .on_miss false .can_apply_on_death true effect: .name "Bleed Droplet 2" .target "target" .curio_result_type "negative" .chance 120% .dotBleed 1 .duration 2 .on_hit true .on_miss false .can_apply_on_death true effect: .name "Bleed Droplet 3" .target "target" .curio_result_type "negative" .chance 130% .dotBleed 1 .duration 3 .on_hit true .on_miss false .can_apply_on_death true //Throat Bitter: ======================================================== //Bite the Hand: ======================================================== effect: .name "Hand Bite Debuff 1" .target "target" .curio_result_type "negative" .chance 100% .combat_stat_buff 1 .defense_rating_add -15% .damage_low_multiply -60% .damage_high_multiply -60% .on_hit true .on_miss false .duration 2 .apply_once true effect: .name "Hand Bite Debuff 2" .target "target" .curio_result_type "negative" .chance 100% .combat_stat_buff 1 .defense_rating_add -17% .damage_low_multiply -60% .damage_high_multiply -60% .on_hit true .on_miss false .duration 2 .apply_once true effect: .name "Hand Bite Debuff 3" .target "target" .curio_result_type "negative" .chance 100% .combat_stat_buff 1 .defense_rating_add -20% .damage_low_multiply -60% .damage_high_multiply -60% .on_hit true .on_miss false .duration 2 .apply_once true effect: .name "Hand Bite Selfdebuff 1" .target "performer" .curio_result_type "negative" .chance 100% .combat_stat_buff 1 .defense_rating_add -30% .damage_low_multiply -60% .damage_high_multiply -60% .on_hit true .on_miss false .duration 2 .apply_once true effect: .name "Hand Bite Selfdebuff 2" .target "performer" .curio_result_type "negative" .chance 100% .combat_stat_buff 1 .defense_rating_add -30% .damage_low_multiply -55% .damage_high_multiply -55% .on_hit true .on_miss false .duration 2 .apply_once true effect: .name "Stunt Self 1" .target "performer" .curio_result_type "negative" .chance 120% .combat_stat_buff 1 .stun 1 .on_hit true .on_miss false //Go Fetch:======================================================== effect: .name "Fetch Debuff 1" .target "target" .curio_result_type "negative" .chance 100% .combat_stat_buff 1 .defense_rating_add -10% .speed_rating_add -4 .on_hit true .on_miss false effect: .name "Fetch Debuff 2" .target "target" .curio_result_type "negative" .chance 100% .combat_stat_buff 1 .defense_rating_add -11% .speed_rating_add -4 .on_hit true .on_miss false effect: .name "Fetch Debuff 3" .target "target" .curio_result_type "negative" .chance 100% .combat_stat_buff 1 .defense_rating_add -12% .speed_rating_add -5 .on_hit true .on_miss false effect: .name "Fetch Debuff 4" .target "target" .curio_result_type "negative" .chance 100% .combat_stat_buff 1 .defense_rating_add -13% .speed_rating_add -5 .on_hit true .on_miss false effect: .name "Fetch Debuff 5" .target "target" .curio_result_type "negative" .chance 100% .combat_stat_buff 1 .defense_rating_add -15% .speed_rating_add -6 .on_hit true .on_miss false //Alpha Lady: ======================================================== effect: .name "Alpha Buff 1" .target "target" .curio_result_type "positive" .chance 100% .combat_stat_buff 1 .defense_rating_add 5% .attack_rating_add 5% .damage_low_multiply 12% .damage_high_multiply 12% .untag 1 .on_hit true .on_miss false .duration 3 effect: .name "Alpha Buff 2" .target "target" .curio_result_type "positive" .chance 100% .combat_stat_buff 1 .defense_rating_add 6% .attack_rating_add 6% .damage_low_multiply 15% .damage_high_multiply 15% .untag 1 .on_hit true .on_miss false .duration 3 effect: .name "Alpha Buff 3" .target "target" .curio_result_type "positive" .chance 100% .combat_stat_buff 1 .defense_rating_add 7% .attack_rating_add 7% .damage_low_multiply 17% .damage_high_multiply 17% .untag 1 .on_hit true .on_miss false .duration 3 effect: .name "Alpha Buff 4" .target "target" .curio_result_type "positive" .chance 100% .combat_stat_buff 1 .defense_rating_add 8% .attack_rating_add 8% .damage_low_multiply 20% .damage_high_multiply 20% .untag 1 .on_hit true .on_miss false .duration 3 effect: .name "Alpha Buff 5" .target "target" .curio_result_type "positive" .chance 100% .combat_stat_buff 1 .defense_rating_add 10% .attack_rating_add 10% .damage_low_multiply 22% .damage_high_multiply 22% .untag 1 .on_hit true .on_miss false .duration 3 //Bone Treats:======================================================== effect: .name "Bone Treat Target Debuff" .target "target" .curio_result_type "negative" .chance 100% .combat_stat_buff 1 .attack_rating_add -5% .speed_rating_add -5 .on_hit true .on_miss false .duration 1 //End of Good Girl Skill (Class Mod Created by Actionjack) //============================================== ------------------------------------ Moded by: Actionjack (11.23.2016) Thank you for playing. ------------------------------------ is not an official Red Hook Studios product or product modification, and Red Hook Studios Inc. is not responsible in any way for changes or damages that may result from using the mod. Furthermore, “Darkest Dungeon” and the Darkest Dungeon logo are trademarks of Red Hook Studios Inc. All content in the game is Copyright Red Hook Studios Inc. All rights reserved.