CNC TS Infantry Resize Mod ------------------ CNCTSInfantryResizeMod Summary: Name: CNCTSInfantryResizeMod Version: 1.0.0 (created 04 October 2020) Description: Mod to reduce size of infantry units by 1/3 (normalising their dimensions relative to vehicle units) Author: Richard Bruce Baxter Updates: N/A ------------------ CNCTSInfantryResizeMod Installation Instructions: 1. Copy TIBSUN.MIX to Tiberian Sun Installation Folder (e.g. C:\Westwood\SUN) ------------------ CNCTSInfantryResizeMod Description: This mod performs a 67% [eg 61px to 41px] resize reduction of all TS infantry unit animations (such that their proportions are more realistic relative to vehicle unit animations/voxels). This appears to improve the graphical consistency of the game somewhat (reducing cartoon/RA to original CNC TD realism), although it does admittedly make the character units somewhat more difficult to distinguish. See TIBSUN-MIX/CONQUER-MIX/ for only those animations that were updated. Remaining core graphical improvements include water animations. ------------------ CNCTSInfantryResizeMod Future: 5-7 October 2020 I tried modifying OS SHP Builder SmartMode shp animation resize function such that a) it used the presently unused MS Paint resize function and b) the special pixels (blood etc) were subsequently restored from the result of the simple/default "blocky" resize function. This patch remains incomplete however as I discovered that the MS paint resize mode doesn't actually perform interpolation afterall (it results in an identically blocky resize operation to what is built in by default in the SHP Builder application). The code I developed however could be used in conjunction with a new resize function capable of interpolation. See forum post "Resize_FrameImage_MSPaint smartMode implementation for TS" ( Attached is an example of a SHP_Engine_Resize.pas Resize_FrameImage_MSPaint smartMode implementation for TS infantry color palettes. It maintains special/reserved background, shadow and blood color indices during MS Paint resize operations. [] --- See also forum post "Compiling OS SHP Builder (Borland/Delphi)" ( The OS SHP Builder source (OS SHP Builder-OS SHP Builder 3.3x.r103.tar.gz) can be compiled using RAD Studio Delphi 10.3 Community Edition; To get OS SHP Builder to compile on Delphi 10.3 Community Edition, a number of changes are required: Patch Summary: 1. [gifimage.pas/pngimage.pas] replace every instance of; Byte(q^) with; PByte(q)^ 2. [gifimage.pas] replace every instance of; with (Pal.palPalEntry[i]) do begin peRed := ... with; Pal.palPalEntry[i].peRed := ... []