Extract the 4 .DLL files to your Witcher3.exe location (e.g. D:\Games\Witcher 3 The Wild Hunt\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\x64). In order to work they must be in the same folder as "Witcher3.exe". These files are taken from the latest Windows 10 AMD 1036 drivers, and seem to offer significant performance increase in even DirectX 11 games, despite being built around DirectX 12. I recommend benchmarking the game in an intensive area (e.g Heirarchy Square) with and without these files. This way you can easily see if you gain any fps! The performance improvements will likely be seen mostly on lower-end CPUs, as these drivers give the GPU more draw-calls, thus allowing the GPU and CPU to communicate better with eachother! Uninstallation: Simply remove or delete the 4 .DLL files from the folder. Credit goes to Guru3D user PrMinisterG for extracting the DLL files. Thanks!