Turorial: [ 1 ] [ Uncook Base Menu ] -Uncook base (needed to cook with texture.cache). -Uncook(Export) base to tga, jpg, bmp, or png. [ 1 ] [ Uncook base to .xbm/.w2mesh] -Normal base uncooking to every given format. -But .xbm files and .w2 mesh files are the important files for modding. - this folder will be around 80 gb if u have the GOTY version. -u need this folder i u like to cook your mods with texture.cache file. -if u like to edit textures u need to export .xbm files and .w2mesh files lates for editing them with gimp or something else. [ 2 ] [ Uncook base to desired format ] -Choose one of bmp, png, jpg, or tga. -U can edit for example any of these .tga files and import them back to .xbm or .w2mesh which is the format the game can read. -No further exporting needed. -around 40 gb in size if u have the GOTY version. [ 3 ] [ Change Output Folder ] -Change the Output Folder for base uncooking. -Can be another drive but its not suggested. [ 2 ] [ Export Menu ] -Export .xbm files to .tga, .jpg, .bmp, or .png. -Export .w2mesh files to .fbx. -Edit exported files in favoured photo editor. [ 1 ][ Export selected folder ] -Export all listed files below. -Select export folder [3] first to see the list ;). [ 2 ][ Export selected files ] -Export all files to your left. -You will see every file in the console you have selected and it will dissappear from the list below. [ 3 ][ Select export folder ] -Select folder you like to export from. -Better not select the whole base folder select single folders. -Do it like me in the video search for the folder where you like to edit textures from. [ 4 ][ Change .xbm export format - default .tga ] -Choose one of bmp, png, jpg, or tga. -You can select the format which you like to work with they dont differ really. [ 5 ][ Change output folder ] -Change the Output Folder for exporting. -Can be another drive but its not suggested. [ 3 ] [ Import Menu ] -Import .tga, .jpg, .bmp, or .png to .xbm. -Import .fbx fles to .w2mesh. -Define Texture Group for each file. -You have to select a folder first, probably the folder where you exported to and where you saved your edited .tga file. -You have to select a texture group and i cant help you here, if anyone has a reference where i can see the texture group for every file this would be great. [ 1 ][ Import selected files ] -Import all files to your left. -You will see every file in the console you have selected and it will dissappear from the list below. [ 2 ][ Select import folder ] -Select folder you like to import from. -Probably the folder where you exported to and where you saved your edited .tga file. [ 3 ][ Change output folder ] -Change the Output Folder for importing. -Can be another drive but its not suggested. [ 4 ] [ Cook/Build Mod Menu ] -Select single/multiple files/folders. -Cook/Build new mod. -List can show up to 220 files option 1 is not affected by this limit. -Dont worry about relative path of your files. -Quick Modding tool will put everything in the right path. -Except of some multiple existent .xml files. -They NEED theire relative path. [ 1 ][ Cook all files in selected folder ] -Cook all files from selected folder. -Select a folder with files you like to cook first [ 3 ]. [ 2 ][ Cook all selected files ] -Cook all files to your left. -You will see every file in the console you have selected and it will dissappear from the list below. [ 3 ][ Select cook folder ] -Select folder you like to cook from. -Choose this option if you dont like to cook EVERY file in a folder and if u like to choose single/multiple files. -If u like to cook every file in a folder option [4] is your option here. [ 4 ][ Select cook folder - no Menu ] -All files in selected folder will be cooked. -Attention no select Menu here all files in selected folder will be cooked. [ 5 ][ Change output folder ] -Change the Output Folder for your mod. -Can be another drive but its not suggested. [ 5 ] [ Uncook Mods Menu ] -Uncook single/multiple mods. -Uncook mods from anywhere of your computer. -Useful for editing mods you already like. [ 1 ] [Start Uncooking] -Cook all files to your left. -You will see every file in the console you have selected and it will dissappear from the list below. [ 2 ] [Browse computer for cooked mod] -Browse computer for single mod. [ 3 ] [Change cooked mods list folder] -Select the folder for list below. -Normally this is your mods folder. -But it can be everywhere on your computer. [ 4 ] [ Change output folder ] -Change the Output Folder for your mod. -Can be another drive but its not suggested. [ 6 ] [ Setup Menu ] -Edit default directorys for options [ 1 ]-[ 5 ]. -Setup/Download latest ModKit 1.3. -Download faster ModKit 1.3 executable.