-Description Add all base game and DLC recipes to Tomira the Herbalist, and all the schematics to Bram, the mod is designed for compatibility and to prevent quest-breaking, so the standard verison doesn't include witcher gear. The full version contains witcher gear but might break your game as Scavenger Hunt quests that you haven't alrady started won't complete. The items price is determined by other in-game mechanics that I won't change, so the recipes and schematics can be very expensive or very cheap, I've no control over it. Ofieri Gear Set NOT added to prevent quest breaking -- in both versions. -Installation Unpack the archive in your game installation folder under mods directory, Ex: C:/Program Files/The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt/mods/"Unpack Here" If the folder doesn't exist create it. Should work with NMM, not tested. Play -Compatibility Issues Incompatible with every mod that changes the file def_loot_shops.xml Works with game version 1.31, not tested with other versions but should work anyway -Changelog v. 1.1 Compatible with NMM Added DLC Items Optional version with witcher gear !!!WARNING!!! May break Scavenger Hunt quests