Keep runewords on Witcher set gear upgrade - v1.0 This simple mod prevents that runewords and glyphwords will be destroyed if you enchant any Witcher set gear but then upgrade that gear to a higher tier. --------------------------------- Installation --------------------------------- Copy the "modKeepRunewords" folder to the "Mods" folder in your Witcher 3 installation directory. To uninstall, delete the "modKeepRunewords" folder from the "Mods" folder. --------------------------------- Compatibility --------------------------------- If you use a mod that modifies the script (e.g. Friendly Stash) you need to use Script Merger to merge the mods Here is an example how to merge the conflicting section with Friendly Stash: --------------------------------- if(thePlayer.inv.IsItemEnchanted(itemsingr[0])) { enchantments.PushBack(thePlayer.inv.GetEnchantment(itemsingr[0])); } GetWitcherPlayer().RemoveItemByNameForCrafting(schem.ingredients[i].itemName, schem.ingredients[i].quantity, GetFriendlyStashConfig().IsCraftingAccessAllowed()); //modFriendlyStash ---------------------------------