This mod will allow you to quickly toggle the minimap, no side effects so far. Disclaimer: this is a reworked version of another mod made by skacikpl (Witcher 3 Nexus). Thanks, dude! Original Mod: Installation: Unpack the contents of zip file into your Witcher 3/Mods folder Then go into your MyDocuments/Witcher 3 folder and open Input.settings Now find a tag that you wish to bind your action under (Input is context sensitve, to make hud toggles available in any case you would have to add following two entries under every tag, otherwise [Exploration] is the default Input context) and add those entries: IK_F2=(Action=MinimapOn) IK_F3=(Action=MinimapOff) They can be modified to any key, I just set F2 and F3 by default. Save your changes. It is advised to set as read only, although it seems to work without restricting it this way. In case the mod fails to compile for you please refer to this thread: Last edit: 16 August 2015 by: gtabro