Increased Creature Loot 2.0 This mod makes it so that animals and creatures always drop loot. REQUIREMENTS: 1. The Witcher 3 patch version 1.20 - 1.31 GOTY CONTENTS: 1_Purist: This version ONLY makes it so that monsters and animals always drop loot. No changes have been made to the dropped loot amount or its percentages. Fixed several Blood-n-Wine loot amounts that were set too high, as well as added some missing loot items. No changes were needed for the Hearts of Stone DLC. 2_ICL: This version makes it so that monsters and animals always drop loot. It also makes changes to the loot percentages, increasing the chance of natural parts dropping over the generic monster parts. No changes have been made to the dropped loot amount. Drowners, Hags, and Vampires now have a small chance to be found carrying jewelry. Monster nests now have a chance to contain jewelry or orens. Fixed several Blood-n-Wine loot amounts that were set too high, as well as added some missing loot items. No changes were needed for Hearts of Stone so that DLC is NOT required. **NEW** NPCs now have a chance of dropping 1 extra piece of loot. 3_ICL_Plus: This version makes it so that monsters and animals always drop loot. It also makes changes to the loot percentages, increasing the chance of natural parts dropping over the generic monster parts. Changes loot so that 1 extra piece loot amount is always dropped. For example, creatures previously set to drop 1-3 pieces of loot will now always drop 2-3 instead. Drowners, Hags, and Vampires now have a small chance to be found carrying jewelry. Monster nests now have a chance to contain jewelry or orens. These changes were made to both Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine DLCs. **NEW** NPCs now have a chance of dropping up to 2 extra pieces of loot. 4_ICL_Max: This version makes it so that monsters and animals always drop loot. It also makes changes to the loot percentages, increasing the chance of natural parts dropping over the generic monster parts. Changes loot amount so that 1-2 extra pieces of loot is always dropped. For example, creatures previously set to drop 1-3 pieces of loot will now always drop 2-4 instead. Drowners, Hags, and Vampires now have a small chance to be found carrying jewelry. Monster nests now have a chance to contain jewelry or orens. These changes were applied to both Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine DLCs. **NEW** NPCs now have a chance of dropping up to 3 extra pieces of loot. 5_ICL_Ultimate: This version makes it so that monsters and animals always drop loot. It also makes changes to the loot percentages, increasing the chance of natural parts dropping over the generic monster parts. Changes loot amount so that 2-3 extra pieces of loot is always dropped. For example, creatures previously set to drop 1-3 pieces of loot will now always drop 3-5 instead. Drowners, Hags, and Vampires now have a small chance to be found carrying jewelry. Monster nests now have a chance to contain jewelry or orens. These changes were made to both Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine DLCs. **NEW** NPCs now have a chance of dropping up to 4 extra pieces of loot. MANUAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Unpack the zip. Copy the "modICL"folder located inside the numbered folder of your choice and paste it into the game's "Mods" folder. The "Mods" folder is located in the main game folder. That's "\{Steam or GOG directory}\The Witcher 3\Mods". If you don't have a "Mods" folder located there, create one. 2. Launch the game. 3. Enjoy UNINSTALLATION: 1. Delete "modICL" from the "Mods" folder. **This mod works with existing save files and can easily be added or removed.