I was sick of healing with food and drinks and I didn't want to use swallow as only way of healing or to exploit alternative quen. With this mod every light injury or scratch (less than 50% life lost) will heal fast after battle has ended. If you lose more health you will need to sit and drink a potion, eat something (even if it doesn't make sense) or meditate in order to restore your life. You can change mod settings both by editing text after "//CHANGE THIS VALUES TO EDIT MOD FUNCTIONALITY" inside mod text or by running the included batch HealthRegenerationSettings.bat (reccomended). INSTALLATION (skip step 1 if you are installing the mod with NMM): 1 - Extract the mod to your mod folder (Witcher 3/Mods). BATCH FILE: 2 - Go to modHealthReg\content\scripts\game\gameplay\ability\HealthRegenerationSettings.bat and run it. 3 - Follow the steps. OR MANUALLY 2 bis - go to modHealthReg\content\scripts\game\gameplay\ability\PlayerAbilityManager.ws and edit it manually. 3 bis - Instructions on how to edit manually are written inside the file. 4 - Edit \My Documents\The Witcher 3\Mods.settings You can change values everytime you want to by repeating step 2 and 3 OR 2 bis and 3 bis History: Update 26/08/2015 - Fix: regeneration is now active only when toxicity is under threshold. Fix: combat regeneration now activates only if you are in combat. Now fully customizable (health regeneration percentage limit, out of combat regeneration, in combat regeneration). Both versions have been merged in to one. Update 23/08/2015 - There was a bug so health regeneration was active even if you were poisoned, burning or bleeding making you immune to this effects. Uploaded fixed files for both versions. Uploaded 22/08/2015 To do: -Make health bar change color based on health percentage: green for more than 50%, yellow between 50% and 10%, red under 10% (if someone knows how to do it please feel free to upgrade my mod by yourself or to explain me how to do it, or even both). -When health is under 10% it can be restored only by talking (and paying) a innkeeper, druid, Freya's ladies and so on. -Add more customization. HealthRegenerationSettings.bat inner code (if you want to check if it is safe): @SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION @echo off set /p first= Set till which percent of health you want to have regeneration active: set /p second= Set out of combat regeneration strenght: set /p third= Set in combat regeneration strenght: set next=0 for /F "tokens=1* delims=]" %%j in ('type "PlayerAbilityManager.ws" ^| find /V /N ""') do ( if !next! == 1 ( set next=0 echo HealthRegenarationLimit=%first%;>>output.txt ) else if !next! == 2 ( set next=0 echo Regeneration=%second%;>>output.txt ) else if !next! == 3 ( set next=0 echo CombatRegeneration=%third%;>>output.txt ) else ( set str=%%k set str=!str: =! if !str! == //1 ( set next=1 ) else if !str! == //2 ( set next=2 ) else if !str! == //3 ( set next=3 ) SETLOCAL DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION echo.%%k>>output.txt ENDLOCAL ) ) del "PlayerAbilityManager.ws" ren "output.txt" "PlayerAbilityManager.ws" @ENDLOCAL PAUSE