More Realistic Food and Drink v1.1 Author: Elenear (aka rootsrat) DESCRPTION This mod changes how food and drink items work to a semi-realistic way. Now the food and drink will heal you slowly over long period of time, which is supposed to simulate satiation and hydration. Both duration and healing rate are randomised to simulate various quality of food within it's in game tier. Additionally the inventory menu tooltip for food and drink items was removed so that you won't know how long the regeneration effects exactly last until you eat and drink. This is to increase realism - Geralt doesn't know exactly how soon he will be hungry/thirsty after eating and drinking. The duration of food effect: * Level 1 food is assumed low quality and will sate/hydrate you for 1 - 3 in game hours. * Level 2 food is assumed medium quality food and it will sate/hydrate you for 3 - 5 in game hours. * Level 3 food is assumed best quality and it lasts 5 - 7 in game hours. The duration of drinks, respectively: * Level 1: 1 - 2 in game hours * Level 2: 2 - 3 in game hours * Level 3: 3 - 4 in game hours The below table illustrates the exact values for duration (real time seconds = in game hours) and HP regeneration (>> range of points/second) during exploration and combat (both the same). Food Lev 1 240 - 720 s = 1 - 3 h >> 1 - 3 HP/s Lev 2 720 - 1200 s = 3 - 5 h >> 2 - 4 HP/s Lev 3 1200 - 1680 s = 5 - 7 h >> 3 - 5 HP/s Drinks Lev 1 240 - 480 s = 1 - 2 h >> 2 - 4 HP/s Lev 2 480 - 720 s = 2 - 3 h >> 3 - 5 HP/s Lev 3 720 - 1200 s = 3 - 4 h >> 4 - 6 HP/s INSTALLATION: NMM INSTALLATION 1. Click Download With Manager button 2. Activate the mod in NMM MANUAL INSTALLATION: 1. Download the mod 2. Unpack the archive into your /Witcher 3/Mods folder COMPATIBILITY AND TROUBLESHOOTING: This mod introduces changes to the following files: \gameplay\abilities\effects.xml \gameplay\abilities_plus\effects.xml \scripts\game\gui\menus\ If you have installed any other mods change the same files, the game will use only 1 mod - whichever has the highest priority (i.e. was loaded up last into the game). If after installing this mod one of your mods stops working or if this mod doesn't work, follow this procedure: Navigate to your \My Documents\The Witcher 3 folder Create a new text file Name it "mods.settings" and remove the .txt extension Edit the file and input these 3 lines: [modMRFAD] Enabled=1 Priority=0 Now save the mods.settings file, run the game and check if my mod now works. YES - you have another mod installed that modifies the same files as my mod. I may be able to make a patch - contact me! NO - something is wrong, I probably won't have an idea... IK_RInspiration Slower Food Regeneration by John_Edward IK_RCredits SkacikPL for providing me with a tooltip disabling script code.