---------------------------- //////////////////////////// GUI MENUS & CUSTOM KEYBINDS //////////////////////////// ---------------------------- GUI and keybind setups are now included with the mod download. This does NOT mean that the GUI menus and hotkeys are automatically installed. It only means that the setups are no longer a separate download. After installing your mod, open the mod folder and look for folders named 'gui_setup' and/or 'keybind_setup'. The setup folders contain all the files you need plus setup instructions. Installing the GUIs and keybinds is an optional step, but highly recommended. The following mods have GUI menus: Immersive Cam Immersive Meditation Alternate Horse Controls The following mods have keybind setups: Immersive Cam Alternate Horse Controls -------------------------- ////////////////////////// SCRIPT COMPILATION ERRORS ////////////////////////// -------------------------- If you get script compilation errors after installing Immerive Cam, it is for one of two reasons. 1) You have a mod conflict with another installed mod. Script Merger is your friend in this situation. Download it, use it, and endorse it. :) OR... 2) You have a bad script source folder. This means that your recieved incomplete or bad source scripts when you patched. It happens to many players every time CDPR releases an update. When it happens, ANY script mod will prevent you from starting your game. This is NOT a problem with the mod. You just got some corrupted files. Don't worry though. There is a fix. Refer to the sticky post on Immerive Cam's comment page for detailed instructions on how to resolve this problem. How can you tell if you problem is caused by a mod conflict or a bad source script folder? Look at the error you recieve. Here's an example error: Error [content0]game\behavior_tree\tasks\monsters\bttaskmaintainspeed.ws(10): Class 'CBTTaskMaintainSpeed' already defined. You see that the folder mentioned in the error is [content0]. If content0 is in the error, your problem is a bad script source folder. Here's another example: Error [modactivewitcherzoom]game\gameplay\ability\abilitymanagertypes.ws(17): Structure 'SBlockedAbility' already defined. Notice the folder mentioned in this error is [modactivewitcherzoom]. This is a mod conflict between Immersive Cam and another mod named modactivewitcherzoom. The script in conflict is abilitymanagertypes.ws. If you are going to run multiple mods, sooner or later you are going to run into a mod conflict. Don't panic. Get Script Merger. -------------------------------------------- //////////////////////////////////////////// RUNNING IMMERSIVE CAM with OTHER CAMERA MODS //////////////////////////////////////////// -------------------------------------------- I do not recommend trying to run other camera mods in conjunction with Immersive Cam. IC (Immersive Cam) is an extensive mod that gives you control over almost every Witcher 3 camera. The options in IC are comprehensive and highly customizable. You can make your cameras look and act almost any way you want. Because of IC's large scope, it will not be compatible with other camera mods, even after using Script Merger. -------------------------------------------- //////////////////////////////////////////// THE VANILLA GLOBAL AUTO-CENTERING OPTION //////////////////////////////////////////// -------------------------------------------- As of one of the recent game patches (can't remember which one) CDPR added a camera auto-centering option to the gameplay options menu. This global setting, if turned off, overrides most of Immersive Cam's auto-centering options. For best results, leave the vanilla auto-centering option turned ON and control your auto-centering using Immersive Cam's much more finely tuned auto-centering settings (smart auto rotation). ----------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////// AN EXPLANATION of VARIOUS CAMERA SETTINGS ///////////////////////////////////////// ----------------------------------------- OFFSET / ZOOM / HEIGHT Almost all the cameras have three settings in common: offset, zoom, height Adjusting OFFSET moves your camera left or right horizontally. An offset value of 0 is dead center of the screen. Negative values move the camera left. Positive values move the camera right. Adjusting ZOOM zooms the camera in or out. The higher the zoom value, the closer the camera moves to Geralt, making him appear bigger on your screen. The lower the number, the farther away the camera from Geralt. Adjusting HEIGHT moves the camera up and down vertically. Raising the height value moves the camera up, lowering it moves the camera down. --------- DISTANCE Some cameras have a DISTANCE setting instead of a zoom setting. DISTANCE works much the same as zoom, but in this case, raising the DISTANCE value increases the distance of the camera from Geralt. So a higher distance setting makes Geralt appear smaller on screen. So, it's basically the opposite of zoom. --------- EXPLORATION CAMERA In addition to the normal camera postion settings, the Exploration Camera also offers a couple other options. AUTO-CENTERING - ON/OFF This one is pretty self explanatory. INTERIOR CAMERA MATCHES EXTERIOR CAMERA Think of this as a single camera mode that doesn't change whether you are inside or outside. That's what this option enables. Use the camera postioning controls to position the camera wherever you want it to be. This option is almost essential for closer cam postions, as reflected in the CLOSE-LEFT and CLOSE-RIGHT presets. In most cases, leaving this option turned ON will give you the most smooth and consistent camera. If you turn this option OFF, your camera will zoom in when you enter many buildings, BUT, it will also zoom in any time you are not allowed to sprint (such as when using Keira's magic lamp, exiting meditation, dispelling illusions, walking on a boat...). Leaving the option OFF gives you vanilla camera behavior, but as I said, you get better camera control leaving it ON. --------- SPRINT CAMERA Sprint Cam is based on values... IC's default sprint camera is based on your exploration camera values. So, when you sprint, you use the same camera values as you do for exploration, but slightly zoomed out. You can optionally set this to be based on vanilla camera values. Basing the sprint cam on vanilla values puts the camera in the vanilla sprint position, regardless of your exploration settings. Finally, you can base the sprint cam on custom cam values you define. In this case, your sprint cam postion will use the custom sprint OFFSET/ZOOM/HEIGHT values. Only when basing on custom values will the offset, zoom, and height values you define be read and used. --------- COMBAT CAMERA In addition to the camera position settings you have the COMBAT CAMERA LOCK setting. This setting prevents the game from zooming the camera in and out during combat. This makes combat more difficult, but also more intense and exciting. It's an option, like everything else. Turn it on if you want a static combat cam. Leave it off if you don't. --------- HORSEBACK CAMERA All the settings here are fairly self-explanatory. --------- SAILING In addition to the normal camera postion settings, the Sailing Camera also offers a couple other options. AUTO-CENTERING - ON/OFF This setting is self explanatory. SAILING PITCH This setting controls how much range you have to tilt the camera up. Higher values let you look more towards the sky, but can potentially cause the camera to clip beneath the water as you tilt the camera. The presets in the Sailing menu are optimized to give you as much control over the pitch as possible, without clipping beneath the water. ---------- WITCHER SENSE CAMERA The first camera option in this section enables or disables Witcher Sense zoom. Turn this setting OFF to prevent the camera from changing postion when you activate witcher senses. With this setting ON, you can use the camera postion values below it to determine what your zoomed in (or out) Witcher Sense camera will look like in various situations (inside or outside). ----------- AIM/THROW In addition to the camera position settings you have the ROTATE to CAMERA FACING setting. ROTATE to CAMERA FACING - ON/OFF This setting does not control camera, but the animation that Geralt uses while pivoting when he is aiming with a crossbow or bomb ready. By default, the vanilla game rotates Geralt magically to the same facing as the camera. You won't notice because the vanilla camera values are zoomed in so close you can't see much more than Geralt's head. However, if you use a zoomed out cam postion, this looks pretty odd. Turning this setting OFF makes Geralt no longer magically rotate. He will twist and move naturally as he pivots. This is accounted for by the provided presets. In summary: ON = magic rotation, OFF = more natural rotation. A WORD OF WARNING ABOUT BLOOD AND WINE QUEST - WARBLE OF A SMITTEN KNIGHT There is a bug in Blood and Wine that prevents you from hitting one of the targets in the crossbow contest IF you are using a custom Aim/Throw camera value. This is not a bug with IC, it's a bug with Blood and Wine. So please don't ask me to fix it. To work around it, switch to the vanilla Aim/Throw preset during the contest. The presets are a single button click. It's not a tough work-around if you know what to expect. --------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////// THE IN-GAME CAMERA CONTROLS ///////////////////////////////////////////// --------------------------------------------- Left Arrow - Move Camera Left Right Arrow - Move Camera Right Up Arrow - Zoom Camera In Down Arrow - Zoom Camera Out Pg Up - Move Camera Up Pg Down - Move Camera Down End Key - Reset to 'Default Camera' (the default camera is defined by your GUI camera settings) Insert Key - Set your 'Default Camera' positon to match your current in-game camera postion. It's entirely possible to set all your camera postions without ever entering the GUI. You can move your camera around with the in-game camera controls until the position is just how you like it. Then hit the Insert Key. Your current camera position now becomes your default camera position. If you are curious to what those values actually are, you can open the GUI menu and look. The GUI values will have changed to reflect your new settings. --------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////// AN EXPLANATION of SLOW MOTION COMBAT SETTINGS ///////////////////////////////////////////// --------------------------------------------- The one thing that sometimes confuses people are the SLOW MO FACTORS and how they work. Here's an explanation in a nutshell... A SLOW MO FACTOR controls how fast time moves while Geralt performs that action. A SLOW MO FACTOR of 1 equals 100%. Time moves normally at a factor of 1. To make time slow down to 20% of normal speed, set that SLOW MO FACTOR to 0.2. To make time move at half speed, set the SLOW MO FACTOR to 0.5. Never set a SLOW MO FACTOR to 0. This stops time completely and you'll have to exit the game and reload. If you want to disable slow motion on an action, set that SLOW MO FACTOR to 1, not 0.