Installation Procedure: 1. Run the installation wizard you downloaded. 2. Follow the instructions and select your correct GTA SA game directory. 3. Wait for finish, run the game and play it like a Time Lord :D Or if you downloaded the archive version: 1. Unzip the downloaded file. 2. Copy all the files and folders from the archive you downloaded and paste them to your correct GTA SA game directory. 3. That is it, run the game and play it like a Time Lord :D Here is a brief instruction about how to play this mod: Notes: you can get sonic screwdriver and psychic paper from entering tardis u can use sonic screwdriver when u have sonic in hand or barehands (but u need at least sonic screwdriver in your weapon slots) u can only use psychic paper when u are holding it and be close to the target npc when tardis hp is lower than 400 she will enter emergency mode and only the emergency flight from control panel can help u to escape u can change certain values from DW_CUSTOM_SETTINGS.ini which is located in CLEO folder Sonic Screwdriver(hold RMB + key for longwave): 2 - lock/unlock car U - explode car H - deflate tires J - mad acceleration K - break engine Hold Z - (in car) acceleration Hold X - (in car) lock/unlock Hold RMB+Z - Disarmament mode (Hold RMB to select target, Z to disarm, X to deactivate) Hold 1 - Photon Scanning (X to exit) Hold 3 - Thermal Scanning (X to exit) TARDIS: RMB+T - summon the TARDIS (when cj is with barehands) GiveMeBlueBox - the Tardis spawner cheat code T - turn on the Control Panel (when cj is in the TARDIS) W, S, Arrows - switch among the menu features (Enter to close menu, Space to trigger function) P - preview the selected location in Programming Teleport menu X - fast landing (when Tardis handbrake is off) Z - on/off handbrake (when cj is in the TARDIS) G - open/close doors by fingersnap Arrows - map controls (in Manual Teleport and Vortex Flight) ESC - cancel function (in Manual Teleport and Vortex Flight) ENTER - teleport to mark you just set on map (in Manual Teleport and Vortex Flight) HOLD LMB/ALT - spin forwards (release LMB/ALT and then press R to change direction) ALT/LMB - reverse vortex (when tardis is flying in the time vortex) SPACE - leave vortex (when tardis is flying in the time vortex) K-9: 9 - summon K-9 or tell k-9 to leave RMB + R - k-9 will go shoot the selected target (Hold RMB to select target, R to give order, 4 to cancel the current target) Psychic Paper: 2 - show Psychic Paper to any npc and get him onto your side Written by Tommy Date: 19/10/2015