WARNING: You need Ice & Blood 2.65.1 + CM Patch 160 (2.65.2 might be working too, but CM Patch is needed) Manual Install (recommended): 1. Paste everything from new_bosses.txt inside the subfolder "manual install" to the end of the quest.txt inside your Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel\scripts\server (your game's install path) 2. Make sure there is no empty line between the newly added content and the already exisitng lines 3. Search for "quest.reserveQuestType {" (it should be quite at the top of the quest.txt 4. Look for "Killquest = XXX," and add 14 to that number "XXX" Easy Install (only recommended if you have Ice&Blood 2.65.1 + CM Patch 160): 1. Copy and paste "quest.txt" from the subfolder "easy install" to "Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel\scripts\server" (your game's install path) NOTES: * Manual install keeps your current game info concerning creatures and quests and only adds the new npc and boss encounters. I cannot guarantee that this works all the time, as you need to have the same creatures defined. If you didnt mod anything, chances are high it works :) * The automatic install is for those that have a clean version of the needed files, or just dont care. * This mod only changes one file: quest.txt. Backup this file before making any changes to it or replacing it. * Boss Arena will not be compatible with any mod that changes quest.txt, unless you do the manual install method.